When I saw this tutorial on Make It and Love it for a braided headband out of an old t-shirt, I knew I had to try it. The five strand braid, I must admit, was a little intimidating but after reading through the instructions very carefully I was able to make one with no mistakes the first try (yay me!). Of course little girlie snuck in the craft room just as I had finished up sewing the braid together and she wanted to try it on (above). I have since made one a little smaller for her so it stays on better.
I loved this particular shade of yellow, perfect for fall.
So if you have any old t-shirts laying around this would be the perfect project. It may seem daunting but Ashley explains it really well in her tutorial, give it a try!
By the way, out of those five strips I cut I was able to make the one for me and for S. I still have a lot of shirt left to make other stuff like flowers, a scarf maybe... oh the possibilities!
linking to:
i heart naptime
sugar and dots
someday crafts
tatertots and jello