I was at a Scrapbook Retreat all weekend ( I can't wait to show you what I accomplished). Due to staying up both Friday and Saturday night til 2am I have decided to share with you a post that I had written up earlier in the week! Here it is.... a DIY Magazine Holder.
I'm in the middle of reorganizing my craft room/office, among other things. I realized I needed a couple magazine holders for all my crafting magazines to save some space. Of course I did not want to spend a penny on them so this is what I did:
1. I saved two large cracker boxes and cut diagonally across so
they were the shape of a magazine holder.
2. I traced the large side onto patterned paper,
cutting about 1 inch from the actual traced line.

3. I then glued the paper to the box with excess hanging over all edges
(I used Aleene's Tacky Glue, I was out of Modge Podge).
I then cut the corners like so:

4. Fold all the edges over and glue down

5. Repeat steps 2-4 with the other side.
6. Cut a rectangle that is slightly larger then the front facing piece.
Glue down with excess hanging over on all sides.
Cut corners like below picture, fold over and glue down.

7. Cut another small rectangle and fold over the top of the box, just to make it look nicer.
That's it, throw some magazines in that thing!

You could also cover the back and the bottom, (I would do this before doin
g the side pieces), I chose not to because they won't ever be seen.
Also the cracker box wasn't as sturdy as I thought it would be so if you are wanting it to stand alone I suggest a stronger material. But for what I wanted, this worked.
Happy Organizing!