I've been feeling like I've been getting behind lately, in everything. Which when I actually think about it, in reality I am not. Confusing concept? ....sorry.
Let's break it down:
The Kids: I spend tons of time with my girls and my oldest prefers to play by herself a lot of the time but I keep thinking could I do more. Am I teaching them enough, am I including them in enough activities outside the home, etc. etc..... probably something a lot of moms think about... In reality I'm not the perfect mom (who is?) but my kids know I love them and we do have lots of good times together.
The Hubby: Most evenings after getting the kids to bed we are in front of the tv together (usually both with our laptops) just unwinding from the events of the day. I'm thinking we should change that up.... play scrabble together like we used to, for example.
Of course at the end of a hard day I don't really feel like taking on my husband in a word game....he usually beats me when I'm at my best, haha. So atleast we are spending time together and talking about our day, regardless of the activity being done.
Housework: I keep things around here pretty tidy, but not necessarily clean all the time. And since we have recently listed our house, I'm feeling the pressure to keep it spotless at all times (hard to do with two littles). My attitude to housework is that I would rather be spending time with the kids and when they are napping I would rather be crafting, haha. In reality I'm doing pretty good, most of the time.
Projects: I've been feeling behind I think because I haven't been finishing some projects as soon as I would like. Also, the more I'm on Pinterest the more projects I want to do...literally a NEVER ENDING LIST! In reality I do at least a project a week, some don't make it on here, but they do get done. Better than nothing, right?
The Blog : I was on a steady schedule of posting every second day for a few weeks and then I fell off of the bandwagon (somewhat like an exercise regime, ha!). In reality this is just a fun space for me to share some of my thoughts and hopefully inspire people to create. It shouldn't rob time from my home life, so I should be fine with putting it on the back burner.
Anyways just wanted to share a bit of my struggle at the moment, also explaining why I may not be posting as often as I would like or sticking to a schedule.
I'm really excited about some upcoming posts, but between taking pics (and editing pics) and writing about them I haven't got them up yet.... I promise they'll be coming soon!
Until then why don't you whip up one of these necklaces pictured above!
Happy Wednesday!