
Sunday, June 30, 2013

insta-pics #51

1. Me and my girls after my 5k race a couple of weeks ago. The girls both ran a 1k. It was so fun!
2. My friends music showed up on my tv, kinda crazy. Check her out here.
3. Saw Man of Steel..... shirtless Henry Cavill? Yes please.
4. Set up S's canopy to make a huge tent one rainy afternoon.
5. I was getting the art itch so I started a new painting.
6. This is what happens when you get sunscreen in your hair when it's clipped back.
7. My sweet girls.
8. Lazy afternoon for S while T was sleeping.
9. Where I left my painting for the long weekend.

I'm at my parents cabin for the rest of the week, lake time for me! I love summer.

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bear Broken

This little guy is my very first teddy bear, given to me from my moms cousin when I was born. Just ignore the burnt spot for now, we'll get to that. He has always been very special and has had a spot in my bedroom forever (and nope I don't sleep with him, he just sits on a shelf). 

A couple of years back -notice the water mark?- I was in the living room with baby T and S (who was 2) was in my room watching cartoons. I sniffed an odd smell and went to check on her. 
I found this:

Don't worry this is a reenactment. She had turned the lamp on and to top it off S had almost emptied the kleenex box beside it. So we were very lucky that just the bear ended up getting burnt, not the whole house!
(I know 'Mother of the Year' right?!)
Anyways S was very sad and sorry that she had done this to mommy's special bear.

She is just so cute and little, had to share this little video clip.
Well poor guy ended up sitting in my craft room in a box marked 'To Do' ever since.
His lucky day arrived last week, I finally found a piece of fabric that would suffice as a patch!

There all better!
And S was thrilled! She totally remembers the incident and was so happy to see him all fixed up.

He once again is happily sitting in my room.  
Sidenote: T just turned 2, so now I have her to look out for... and she is a whole lot more crazier! Wish me luck!

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Baby Girl is 2 today, TWO! 
(I still baby her even though S was younger than two when T was born.)

Miss independent is full of personality making us laugh constantly. She is our little firecracker, full of attitude and definitely dances to her own tune. Our nickname for her is Crazy T, she climbs/balances/wrestles/runs and in general is nuts. She loves to perform by singing or dancing or being goofie. She has a very tender and loving side too, she loves to cuddle and be cozy. She cares for her many babies and puppies. She is quite particular with which are 'her' toys making sure big sister asks politely before she shares. She loves playing outside and going for walks. She brings so much joy to us, she is such a sweetie and a major blessing! We love ya Baby!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dresses for me

Right now I'm busy getting ready for T's second birthday this Thursday. 
I am doing a circus theme so it is going to be lots of fun!

A few weeks back I made myself a couple of dresses. 
The first being the same idea as the toddler dress I made S last year, adding a skirt to a shirt.

The second, I used this easy 20 minute dress tutorial offered at Design Fixation.

Although they were quick and easy to whip up I'm not sure what I think of them. 
I might just stick to making things for the girlies.

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

insta-pics #50

Although it's been almost a month since the last insta-pics, I haven't really taken that many. 
I took a few in NYC but I figured I wouldn't share those since you can check out my post from Friday.

1. I bought myself my very own nail clippers, yup still haven't bit off my nails!
2. Baby girl falling asleep in my arms is pretty far and few in between these days.
3. T has become my little assistant whenever I am at my desk.
4. Bought a handmade scarf at a school fundraiser and added buttons to it to make it a cowl.
5. Speaking of scarves, a friend bought cheap fabric and I ended up making 19 infinity scarves from what she got.
6. It's been raining a lot and since we don't have developed yard or driveway, we ar stuck with a moat and a plywood sidewalk.
7. Did some smashin'
8. The girls brushing my hair and making sure I'm ready for my trip.9. Went to a friends bridal shower and this was my contribution to the snack table. Gotta love little people.

In other news I ran my first 5 km race yesterday and then did a 1 km funrun with the girls. My finish time was 30 minutes 45 seconds, which I was thrilled about.
So happy I was able to accomplish that!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Small town girl in the Big Apple

I don't know what it is about holidays but I feel like I need a couple of weeks to regroup.
 So I have just been chilling with my girls, prepping for T's birthday next week and not doing much blogging, obviously. 
I have some upcoming crafty posts but first off, I wanted to share about my New York trip.

Are you ready for picture overload?
Ok. GO!
Times Square. We went there daily.

Hottie Henry Cavil was mega size everywhere as superman. The ads have persuaded me, I need to see this movie.

We ate breakfast here every morning. SO GOOD!

The Rockefeller Center, definitely a highlight!

Alice in Wonderland statue in central park.

Carnegie Deli classic cheesecake, dessert in the park.

Guy Fieri of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives at Taste of Times Square.

I hollered 'Guy, this is off the hook!' He looked and we shared a moment, haha.

At Tiffany's

Grand Central Station

There is so many more pictures I could show you.
 (between the three that went we had over 1200 pictures, yikes!)

And we did A LOT of stuff, to name a few:
Times square, Top of the Rock, Central Park, 2 Broadway plays (Mama Mia and Nice Work), Shopping on 5th Ave, The Museum of Natural History, A couple of bus tours, Staten Island ferry, Carnegie Deli, Grand Central station, Taste of Times Square event.

All in four and a half days, it was a crazy/busy/fun/tiring/awesome time.
We didn't take a cab ever. We mostly walked it with the subway being our back up.

I would definitely go back, there is still lots I would love to see and see again.