
Sunday, June 16, 2013

insta-pics #50

Although it's been almost a month since the last insta-pics, I haven't really taken that many. 
I took a few in NYC but I figured I wouldn't share those since you can check out my post from Friday.

1. I bought myself my very own nail clippers, yup still haven't bit off my nails!
2. Baby girl falling asleep in my arms is pretty far and few in between these days.
3. T has become my little assistant whenever I am at my desk.
4. Bought a handmade scarf at a school fundraiser and added buttons to it to make it a cowl.
5. Speaking of scarves, a friend bought cheap fabric and I ended up making 19 infinity scarves from what she got.
6. It's been raining a lot and since we don't have developed yard or driveway, we ar stuck with a moat and a plywood sidewalk.
7. Did some smashin'
8. The girls brushing my hair and making sure I'm ready for my trip.9. Went to a friends bridal shower and this was my contribution to the snack table. Gotta love little people.

In other news I ran my first 5 km race yesterday and then did a 1 km funrun with the girls. My finish time was 30 minutes 45 seconds, which I was thrilled about.
So happy I was able to accomplish that!