
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bear Broken

This little guy is my very first teddy bear, given to me from my moms cousin when I was born. Just ignore the burnt spot for now, we'll get to that. He has always been very special and has had a spot in my bedroom forever (and nope I don't sleep with him, he just sits on a shelf). 

A couple of years back -notice the water mark?- I was in the living room with baby T and S (who was 2) was in my room watching cartoons. I sniffed an odd smell and went to check on her. 
I found this:

Don't worry this is a reenactment. She had turned the lamp on and to top it off S had almost emptied the kleenex box beside it. So we were very lucky that just the bear ended up getting burnt, not the whole house!
(I know 'Mother of the Year' right?!)
Anyways S was very sad and sorry that she had done this to mommy's special bear.

She is just so cute and little, had to share this little video clip.
Well poor guy ended up sitting in my craft room in a box marked 'To Do' ever since.
His lucky day arrived last week, I finally found a piece of fabric that would suffice as a patch!

There all better!
And S was thrilled! She totally remembers the incident and was so happy to see him all fixed up.

He once again is happily sitting in my room.  
Sidenote: T just turned 2, so now I have her to look out for... and she is a whole lot more crazier! Wish me luck!

Happy Tuesday!