
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sunshine Award

I was pleasantly surprised the other day, when Anna of Beanbug crafts notified me of an award she gave me on her blog.  Those kind of things just make my day! Anna is so crafty and I can tell we have similar taste since we follow each other on pinterest and repin ALOT of each others pins. Thanks Anna for the award, you rock!

Now onto the particulars ...The Sunshine Award
- Thank the one who gave you the award (check)
....although I would have done this anyway!
- Answer the 10 q's
- Pass on the award to 10 blogs
 The 10 Q's:
1.  Favorite color- at the moment, yellow. But that can change at anytime to pink, coral or teal. 
2.  Favorite animal - Dogs, but we don't have one.
3.  Favorite number- 22, because that is my birthday and was my number all through highschool for sports(unless it was taken then I was 2). 
4.  Favorite Drink- COFFEE!COFFEE!COFFEE!...ahem, coffee.
5.  Facebook or Twitter- Facebook. Never tried twitter, never will.
6.  Good book or good movie- Good book. And when it's made into a good movie= a perfect combination! A quick fix if you want to relive the book without putting in the time.
7.  My passion? Creating and making new things for myself, family, and friends.
8.  Giving or getting gifts- Giving, especially if it's a surprise.
9.  Favorite day- Friday, it just seems relaxed since the weekend is coming. I would say saturday or sunday but sometimes they are just too busy.
10. Favorite flower- Hydrangea's and Peonies. 

These are the 10 blogs I would like to pass on the award to (in no particular order). These ladies are all so sweet,  they have been inspirational to me through their crafts, good eats, and their kindness. Stop by their blogs and say hi!

Kimmie at Sugar and Dots
Allison at Little Lovelies
Jess at Craftiness is not optional
 ChiWei at One Dog Woof
Natasha at Little Pink Monster
Landee at Landee See, Landee Do
Mollie at Wild Olive

Happy Thursday!