
Sunday, September 16, 2012

insta-pics #27

1. Tried a new recipe this past week, breaded zucchini sticks (so good!) from Eat Yourself Skinny. (I've also tried her quinoa stuffed bell peppers, yum!)
2. Been working on stitching the names for the girls stockings.
3. Baby girl is cruising now!
4. S hanging upside down at the park.
5. The Barbie aisle is hard to get away from these days.
6. Exciting news: This week we officially started the next house!* The basement is being dug! Bonus, I can see our lot (aka. the progress) from the back deck!

*For those of you who may not know, we have been building houses and selling them since we have been married. We've been married 5 years and this will be our 4th house we've built. (Add together our places in-between houses and that's a total of 7 moves, yikes!) I'm not sure how many more we will be doing, this mamma is slowin down, haha.

Happy Sunday!