
Thursday, December 12, 2013

a little Advent fun

The girls have been really enjoying our activity advent this year. After getting the tree and making Derek the indoor snowman we have been doing plenty of crafts as well as some other special things.

On day four of the advent the girls went downstairs to find this huge Christmas tree collage on the wall to color. 
This has been a fun ongoing project as I have the box of crayons on the floor beside it and they can color whenever they please.

Last week on day 5 we attended the Santa Claus parade. 
All bundled up we braved the -29 weather. 
It was quite chilly but it was a great evening!

The girls woke up from naps on day 7 to search for Derek who had a special Christmas treat for them: 
A new story book, which he was reading to the other Christmas stuffies.

On day 9 the girls colored/scribbled filled out Christmas cards for some of their friends.  
Which gave me a few minutes to work on my Christmas cards too!

We've had a couple days of dollar store Christmas crafts as well. 
My favorite were these little foam nativity scenes.

There are a few more days left, hoping I can get around to doing another post.

Happy Thursday!