
Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's been awhile. (insta-pics #45)

I figured insta-pics was the best way to catch you up on what I've been up to.
Let's get started shall we?

 1 and 2. The kids have been sick. Ugg, if it wasn't one thing it was another....they are almost back to full health (except both still have a nasty coughs, atleast we are done with throwing up!).
3. Valentines Day breakfast (Ya, I know where have I been? That was awhile ago.)Easy Peasy toast cut with a cookie cutter with strawberry jam on top!
4. The girls got little stuffies from us. S got Woody from Toy Story and T got Pascal from Tangled.
5. T busy coloring.
6. Registration is open for a run that is on my goal list for this year....note to self: I still need to sign up!

7. Started making some fabric rosette necklaces that I am going to be selling soon.
8. While on a drive we were so close to the mountains, yet so far away. So pretty, this stretch of highway is one of the most relaxing for me.
9. Oh yeah, did I mention WE MOVED! ....AGAIN! ...hoping to be posting more about that soon. It's been a busy couple of weeks.
10. My crazy/silly girl dressed up so sweet.
11. No longer a baby, we moved her to the toddler bed....and S is now in a single bed.
12. Yesterday was Dr. Seuss's birthday and our library had some kids activities going on... Of course we couldn't leave without a Lorax mustache!

Happy Sunday!