
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Muffin Tin Advent Calendar

Sorry I've been MIA for the last week. Between getting ready for Christmas, a cookie swap, and baby girl having an allergic reaction I haven't had much time to post anything.  
Last week I managed to get this muffin tin advent calendar done just in time for the 1st of the month. I got the idea from Queen Bee Coupons who found it in Family Fun magazine. Since a mini muffin tin has 24 spots it works perfectly. I also had enough paper left over from the Close to my Heart paper pack that I've been using in most of my Christmas projects, score!
Bonus, with how many times we move it's nice to think I'm not adding to the stuff that has to be packed (just a lil baggie of circles!).

To keep the treats in, I put tape over the opening like above and then pressed the circle on top. Like the original I hope to make them actually magnetic. Due to lack of time this is how it will be for this Christmas.

Easy enough project, here are my simple instructions:

you'll need: 
mini muffin tin 
Cardstock and/or patterned paper
tape(if your in a rush) or adhesive magnetic sheet(s)
treats that fit inside

- cut out 24 paper circles to fit over openings (mine were around 2 1/4 inches). Number 1-24 and decorate to your liking. Cut out 24 circles from the magnetic sheet(s). Adhere paper to magnetic pieces. Fill the cups with the treats, place circles over top. Easy Peasy!

See the matching joy frame to the left? So glad I had some paper left over. I also painted the sled to the right...way back in 1999 (age 13). My mom taught folk art painting classes and I got to join in on this one. Neat huh!

In other news, we put up our tree last night and my parents are coming tomorrow for a mini-Christmas since we won't be seeing them over the holidays.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Happy Thursday!

linking to:
Sugar and Dots