
Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yesterday baby girl turned ONE! 
I just cannot believe how fast time seemed to speed up more once T made her appearance last year. Remember my post announcing her, it seems like I just wrote that!

Our sweet little T is such a character. She makes us laugh all the time with her sugar coated smiles, her sassy little yells, and her silly sounds (and believe me she knows she's being silly, she's a bit of a show off). With big sister showing her how it's done, her attitude has already blossomed (yikes, age two might be challenging, haha). She isn't walking yet and still has no teeth (I can't believe it! S had a full mouth by now) but these baby milestones will come. Until then I still have my baby (smile).

She is such a blessing and definitely brightens my world! 
Love you Baby and Happy First Birthday!!